Wednesday, February 9, 2011

what i have been working on

Continuing with the theme of creativity...shut up and art...attitude, I worked on these posters following some hints on a few tutorials for photoshop beginners I found online. Slowly but surely I am determined to develop my design and art skills in the new year, with my Samurai's help of course. of the hardest steps in creating change in your life, your art, your home...anything! Sometimes you just have to shut the F*** up and do it. No one is going to do it for you and you shouldn't expect anyone to. This is a hard lesson to learn in today's instant gratification culture where we all grew up thinking it was so much easier that it really turned out to be. We are working on this one here at the studio...and it's a doozy.

I believe that we all have talents to share...creative elements to our souls that we work out in many different ways. Sometimes we stamp down these urges and don't take the time to let ideas and thoughts to take hold into activities. We are both creative individuals who have let the art in our lives dwindle for many reasons. We promised each other that we would make an effort to do Create!

All Creative endeavors start from a small flame of an idea that grows in to a dream of what could be. Lofty life goals are the same way. We must first give ourselves a direction to travel, a dream to follow to reach the milestones along the way. So many have said 'give yourself the permission to dream'...this will light a fire to create and that leads to action.

See how I did that??

I love my Samurai...and I love learning from him. My hope is that a little of me rubs off on him too! I honestly believe that with open minds and open hearts he and I will be able to bring the creative nature out again and have a lot of fun doing it. :)
cheesy? what!

Samurai is an artist extraordinaire. He will shake his head angrily at me when he reads that...but he really is. His passion is comics. Check him out on ImmortalGothic with his webcomic Cracked Masks. He is teaching me and I appreciate learning from a very knowledgeable source...
although my real passion is cooking I think...but that is for another blog.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 Motivational Poster

my 2011 mantra
So I am kicking off my year by continuing on my blogging expedition and bringing in my artistic side. I am the Grand Duchess of unfinished projects and the Queen of those never started. Samurai and I decided that this year is the year of art. We are dedicating Friday nights to wine and arting. We want to get back into the swing of First Friday to get the creative energy flowing each month and follow up with artistic endeavors.
This past Friday we cracked open a box of blush and hit the photoshop icon on the desktop. This was my creation. The posters and quotes were my idea and he coached me through this piece as I am still learning to navigate the program.
All in all I was pretty pleased with what I created. I have other half finished projects all over, including cleaning the house haha! I am hoping to post once a week with new arts and crafts creations and look forward to future comments and connections with other artsy craftsy folks.